Xander turned six on September 29th and we had a Pirate Pizza Party at Pizza Hut. We had such a good time complete with swords, bandanna's and who could forget the mustaches!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Xanders Pirate Birthday!
Posted by Mrs. Jones 4 comments
It Seriously has been SOOOOOO long!
Tick tock tick tock and my life is just flying by! I wish I would take the extra time to sit down and just post a few images and stories of my family, so that we have something to look back at and remember.
2011 has been full of smiles, trials, and lots of love and I although I don't have the time or energy to recap, I would love to document our little lives. :)
Last week I had one of my friends do our family portraits. It is really hard to push myself ( and Nick) to get them done, but I always feel like if I don't force us to, we would never do it. It's never the right time, I want to be thinner, tanner ,richer...ya know. But I am so glad we did! My kids are as beautiful as ever and I am so very grateful to be their mom!
Posted by Mrs. Jones 1 comments
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Happy New Year!
Do not adjust your screen, do not pee your pant, and please do not faint, but after a year hiatus from my sad little family blog I have a new resolution to document and share the stories of my little family with your family.
The Jones family had a very busy very exciting 2010 and 2011 looks even brighter!
Lots of photos to come!
Love the Jones'
Posted by Mrs. Jones 4 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Posted by Mrs. Jones 4 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Holy Batman! Xander turns 4!!!

Posted by Mrs. Jones 8 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Presenting Little Miss Sassifrass stinkerdoodle Jones
So my little miss started taking dance classes from Wendy and she Loves it so much! We talk about it all day and have to tell her how many days till dance, as she only has it one day a week. Last week I must have missed the memo that their wouldn't be class that day. You should have seen her face when I reached for the door and she realized that no one was there and she wasn't going to get to dance that day. Chin quiver, crocodile tears and erratic gasps for air. ( she almost had me in tears) So I did what any great mom would do and I drove us straight to Walmart to buy back her love! One my little pony, a bowl of mac-n-cheese, and a nap later, I thought or rather hoped that this incident was long forgotten. No such luck. Well tonight she performed and she did so good! I know I am the momma but she was the most beautiful little girl in the whole wide world! AND she is damn good for two :) If I can get this video to work I am so gonna upload it!
Still having problems getting the full video to load....check back soon!
Posted by Mrs. Jones 2 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Summer Swim Lessons
Posted by Mrs. Jones 6 comments