Saturday, November 15, 2008


I was playing with my kids and took a few pics. They are always so naughty and I never want to take their pictures but I was just playing with these and thought they would kind of show you what it was like. Remember these are quickly thrown together to see if I would like them....what do you think?


Anonymous said...

Harm - they are super cute!! I love both of them! And yes, you are in trouble with her....look at that pose!

Nicolette said...

Oh my gosh! This is soooo adorable! Xan is one of the most photogenic kids I've seen. You are so creative Harmony.

Penny McK said...

They are both great! I really love how you have the three images of Xan in one photo. It gives the impression that he's a busy body! That couldn't possibly be though :)